
Medi search

Your Medicinal Resource

In recognition of the myriad challenges that Sri Lankans have faced, particularly during times of economic crisis, PayMaster proudly introduces ‘Medi Search,’ a revolutionary feature designed to empower our users in their quest for essential medications.

At present, we have successfully onboarded over 500 pharmacies from various corners of the island, all united in our mission to make the search for necessary pharmaceuticals more accessible and convenient.

The premise is simple. When a user seeks a particular medication and specifies their location or preferred radius, the ‘Medi Search’ feature facilitates seamless communication with nearby pharmacies. These pharmacies are promptly notified of the user’s request and can respond directly within the PayMaster app. This creates a secure and efficient channel for our users to obtain their prescribed medications.

‘Medi Search’ emerges from a genuine understanding of the hardships faced by individuals who have had to traverse countless pharmacies, desperately seeking prescribed medications during challenging times. Our mission is to alleviate this burden and provide a valuable service to our users.

By introducing ‘Medi Search,’ we offer our users the assurance and convenience of locating medications from any corner of the country. Be it a remote village or a bustling city, access to essential medications is no longer a concern.

We are committed to placing the well-being of our users at the forefront. With ‘Medi Search,’ PayMaster continues to demonstrate its dedication to providing innovative solutions that enhance the quality of life for our valued clientele. Your health and peace of mind remain our highest priority. Thank you for entrusting us with your healthcare needs.”